Photography captures stories and moments like no other art form. Maybe that’s why I like to refer to it as visual storytelling. 

And for you moms out there, I think we can all agree—there is no story or moment that feels bigger than the birth of a child! So when it comes to documenting and celebrating your little one’s entrance into the world (and your entrance into motherhood) there are a few phone photography tips and tricks I want you to keep in mind.

Make it Simple

For the baby’s safety and your sanity! To be fair, this rule applies to EVERYTHING newborns, but especially when we’re talking about newborn photos. Please step away from Pinterest. Because too many props, costumes, and people involved will not only stress you out—they’re also unnecessary for quality phone photography. Because I’m telling you...there is nothing you’ll want more looking back than a simple shot of your perfectly swaddled newborn.

Keep the Baby Happy

There’s a reason so many newborn photos are of sleeping babies…they’re easy babies to photograph! Once the baby starts getting fussy, it’s time to press pause on your phone photography endeavors. Change, feed, burp, and play with him or her—and try again over the next nap period.

Stop Trying to Do It All

You know that old saying, “Secure your oxygen mask before assisting others?” It applies to new moms, too! You’re probably already running low on patience, sleep, and clean shirts. So there’s no need to add “stressing out about the perfect newborn photos” to that list. Practice when you have the time and desire—and shower or eat a quick bite when you don’t. 

Include the Family… Especially Yourself

You may not feel at your best right now—but don’t cheat yourself out of photos with your newborn. Because when your child has a chance to look back at these photos, s/he isn’t going to notice your tired eyes or oversized shirt or even that “baby weight” you’re desperate to lose. What they will see is images of themselves being loved and adored by the woman they love and adore. So snap pictures of your newborn with your partner or other kids or even the family pet—but don’t forget to grab a few selfies. Or ask those around you to capture some shots. 

Get on Their Level

While the classic aerial view is great for newborns, it’s also helpful to remember that you can capture details like eyelashes and hair swirls by getting on your kiddo’s level. So try taking pictures from different views. Seeing your little angel at a different angle may inspire more creativity during your shoot.

Print Them Out

One day you’re taking daily pregnancy pictures for a timelapse, and before you know it, you have a million photos of your new bundle of joy on your phone. So to keep it simple, get into a habit of favoriting photos—and set a calendar reminder to print them using an easy-to-use service like Amazon Prints. They’ll not only delight grandparents and friends, but you’ll also have some to frame for your own home!

Above all else (and like anything else in parenting) do everything at a pace that works for you. Never feel pressured to post to social media, either! Because the real point of newborn photography is to capture the story of your journey—whatever it looks like—to enjoy for years to come. 
